الجمعة، 11 سبتمبر 2015

9 new stories on The Next Web today

9 new stories on The Next Web today

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Passion is European startups’ secret weapon and they ace it

Posted: 11 Sep 2015 02:26 AM PDT

I wrote the other day that a (relatively) hidden key to a successful startup scene is loyalty. This time I want to talk about the 'secret sauce' of events: soul. The bigger an event gets the greater the risk becomes that it loses its soul. Le Web is on hiatus right now. That's for two reasons, in my not so humble opinion: 1. It had its legs swept away by other events that moved faster, and 2. It sold its soul to a corporate tendency. TNW Conference I'm now building my own thing and will be only occasionally contributing to The…

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It took just 10 days to crack over 11 million Ashley Madison passwords

Posted: 11 Sep 2015 01:55 AM PDT

Ashley Madison
A cracking team called Cynosure Prime has deciphered over 11.2 million passwords from the recent Ashley Madison hack in just 10 days, thanks to a programming blunder that made the task surprisingly easy. After the hackers publicly leaked mountains of documents, emails and data including roughly 37 million users' details, Cynosure Prime sifted through the site's source code and found 15.26 million passwords that were secured using MD5, a hashing algorithm that's faster than others like bcrypt, but far less effective. One of the group's members estimates that the blunder made by Ashley Madison's security team allowed them to crack…

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Siri interrupted a White House briefing and it was hilarious

Posted: 11 Sep 2015 01:53 AM PDT

Almost everyone's experienced accidentally turning on Siri before, but this takes the cake. During a serious question from a member of the press at a White House briefing about Obama's Iran policy, Siri rudely interrupted saying "Sorry, I'm not sure what you want me to change" which promptly derailed the whole meeting. It wasn't quite clear on first watch of the video who set off Siri, but if you watch a second time, you can spot the woman to the right of the journalist give a very guilty look to the speaker before laughing. What's amusing is this kind of…

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The 4 personality types of your customers

Posted: 11 Sep 2015 01:44 AM PDT

It started in ancient Greece. Developing different medical theories, Hippocrates searched and identified four basic personalities that affect human personality traits and behaviors. These are commonly referred to as the Four Temperaments. For Hippocrates, the four temperaments had to do with culture, health and understanding the reasons for different behaviors among mankinds. By categorising his patients to these four temperaments he was able to treat them better and provide the care they needed. For marketers, the four temperaments allow us to identify our customer's story, create a better, more personal experience that addresses our customers' needs and goals. And of…

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Uber’s CEO was reportedly heckled by protestors on Stephen Colbert’s Late Show

Posted: 11 Sep 2015 12:21 AM PDT

7979998220_b8f51ec877_o_Travis Kalanick
Two protestors reportedly interrupted Stephen Colbert's interview with Uber CEO Travis Kalanick during last night's taping of the Late Show with Stephen Colbert. According to tweets from BuzzFeed reporter Rachel Zarrell, one protestor made comments about Uber 'ruining the cab industry'. She added that both members of the audience yelled about how Uber is evil. At Colbert, audience member started protesting the Uber CEO. Amazing how Colbert just let him speak. — Rachel Zarrell (@rachelzarrell) September 10, 2015 Video evidence of the incident hasn't yet surfaced as cameras and recording equipment are prohibited during tapings of the show. Image credit:…

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Dear OnePlus: Two wrongs don’t make a right

Posted: 10 Sep 2015 11:50 PM PDT

OnePlus co-founder Carl Pei took to the company's forums yesterday to apologize for the weeks-long delay in rolling out invites for customers to buy its new handset. The post seemed to come from a good place and noted the difficulties in running a hardware business, which I can appreciate. However, the most striking part of the apology is Pei's offer to make up for the goof: an hour-long open sale either this month or the next for customers who haven't yet had a chance to buy their device. It's possibly the worst way to address a sales issue. As if…

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Alex stops you from publishing inconsiderate content

Posted: 10 Sep 2015 10:44 PM PDT

It's all too easy in today's overly politically correct world to get caught up in the heat of the moment and publish a comment or article that could offend readers without intending to do so. That's why I'm excited about Alex, a new project by developer Titus Wormer that helps catch potentially insensitive language in your writing. Alex flags potentially offensive terms in your writing The open source script tracks gender favoring, polarizing, race-related, religion inconsiderate, or other unequal phrasing in any text file you throw at it. For example, it alerts you when you use 'master' and 'slave' to…

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Live Coding now lets you hire a developer and watch them work in real-time

Posted: 10 Sep 2015 02:10 PM PDT

Live Coding, which is like Twitch for developers, has added a service that allows viewers to actually hire someone they've been watching. The aptly named "Hire a streamer" service works exactly as it sounds. Via the profile of a developer you've seen coding on the site, a 'hire me' button lets you request their time. The service is completely opt-in for developers, so not everyone will be for-hire. When you click on the 'hire me' button, you'll be met with a list of disciplines that developer is familiar with, and their hourly rate. Once you've booked a session, the money…

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How to use customer stories to win more sales for your startup

Posted: 10 Sep 2015 01:44 PM PDT

Unless you have the good fortune to have been introduced through a referral, your buyer has a long list of reasons not to buy. "As you are selling," he is asking himself, "Can you do what you say you can?", "Do you really understand my company and what I am facing?", and "Will I get the return on my investment in your fees?" says John Doerr of the RAIN Group. Sometimes, the main reason we search Google before we make a purchase decision is to see if people have already had success using the product we're about to buy. In…

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T-Mobile just started the ‘race to the bottom’ on iPhone spending

Posted: 10 Sep 2015 11:09 AM PDT

Apple's new payment plan for iPhone might be an attempt to snatch the play from carriers, but T-Mobile is having none of it. A day after Apple's event, T-Mobile announced its own lower-priced payment scheme. The race to the bottom is on. An iPhone 6s starts at $20 per month with T-Mobile. The iPhone 6s Plus —- a mere $24 each month. Apple is asking that you spend about $32 and $37 per month, respectively. While there are stark differences — Apple lets you choose your carrier, and you'll get an unlocked device — this might signal a new day…

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