الأحد، 13 سبتمبر 2015

VR Earth Attack APK 1.9

Starting out in deep space, warm up your flying saucer's laser by blasting 60 asteroids before warping into Earth's orbit. Take out 20 of the humans' satellites to break their internet but watch out for incoming ballistic missiles! After making atmospheric re-entry, wreak havoc and destruction upon the nearest city for maximum points before the humans manage to shoot you down – the best scores from each level will be kept to determine the baddest alien in the galaxy.Designed to work with Google Cardboard and similar VR headsets, but can also be played in non-VR mode using motion controls.Looking straight down will reveal the options menu; on the opening level (asteroids) is an option to change the graphical detail which is set to Low by default. Pull the Google Cardboard trigger or tap the screen to activate any highlighted option, including switching on VR mode which turns on the side-by-side view.No adverts, time-locks or in-app purchases, buy once and play forever.
by: http://ift.tt/1LpSN0B

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