الثلاثاء، 15 سبتمبر 2015

dragon sky (Dragon Sky) APK 4.2.0

◆ ◇ v4.0.0 finally start large-scale update completion ◇ ◆ Chapter 2, “group dragon defending local authority Edition”! Down young people in royal road strategy Aoki land which is Square Enix give, aiming to meet the girl spinner of fate, the sky dragon will dominate – Dragon Sky – ◆ basic play free ◆ dragon sky The hotel serves a free download, basic play free. ◆ story ◆ when “This is where I am? I’m … … Who …?” He woke up eyes, the sky than usual Aoku, it was closer than usual. And a girl unfamiliar to call myself a master beside, had animals speak human speech never ever seen. If overlooks , to the outside of the earth standing of their own, a myriad of earth floating in the air is, there was here and there. Is under the earth there is a thick shaft like pillars, it was followed to the bottom of the cloud. Earth floating in the sky. What a strange sight. Apparently I, lose memory, it seemed washed ashore in a different world. Girl smiled at the friendly smile, we return also stored in that you continue to fight, tell it might return to the original world. To fight? Who the heck? Here Yokoshimaryu is govern, closed, crazy world. Just now, in everything this world of mystery, there is no choice but to keep fighting. There the ends of the sky that is … to grow feature ◆ their bases of hope or … or … ◆ game, to make a powerful corps in a variety of soldier unit Let! Also be aiming for aloof corps, it is also possible to aim the strongest team along with other players. And 10 kinds of quirky soldier unit, strategies are endless by magic card to provide a major impact on the tactical situation. The event, also including Reidobosu war to fight in cooperation with a number of players are available, also enjoy rankings battle by a team. The biggest feature is a single-mode that story full of mystery different world “Dragon Sky” is deployed. Suddenly, it is summoned to Dragon Sky by evil dragon Argus, hero who lost memory, in order to return to the source of the world, will repeat the fight which is not desirable. Same Arad and was summoned to the Dragon Sky from another world, in the encounters with other people, the mystery of the apparent world little by little … ### ## whether the hero return to the original world to end of the fight? And whether regain the memory? Story is not only the first release worth, will be one after another added by version up. ◆ support terminal ◆ – os 2.3.3 or more of the major models ◆ official site ◆ http: //www.dragonsky.jp/◆ staff ◆ Publisher, supervision Square Enix Illustration participation Motegi Yusuke, Toshiyuki Itahana (Square Enix), other composer Naoshi paddy (Square Enix) #### # development and management Poppin Games Japan KK
by: http://ift.tt/1LpSN0B

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