الأحد، 13 سبتمبر 2015

Skat APK 1.39

Skat is a card game.http://ift.tt/1K6lZd9 ValueSuit Diamond 18 – 162Suit Heart 20 – 180Suit Spade 22 – 198Suit Club 24 – 216Grand 48 – 264 (40 – 220)Null 23Null Hand 35Null Ouvert 40Null Ouvert Hand 59 (69)How to play multiplayer games over Bluetoothhttps://sites.google.com/site/goodsoftapps/home/bluetooth2How to play multiplayer games over TCP/IPhttps://sites.google.com/site/goodsoftapps/home/tcpipThis application requires Bluetooth and full internet access permission for multiplayer games.This application is ad-supported and requires full internet access permission.
by: http://ift.tt/1LpSN0B

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